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人体艺术网 Asia Album: Bangladesh keeps up anti-mosquito efforts to fight dengue - 男女性爱
人体艺术网 Asia Album: Bangladesh keeps up anti-mosquito efforts to fight dengue


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人体艺术网 Asia Album: Bangladesh keeps up anti-mosquito efforts to fight dengue

发布日期:2024-07-20 05:39    点击次数:189

人体艺术网 Asia Album: Bangladesh keeps up anti-mosquito efforts to fight dengue


A worker sprays anti-mosquito fog in Dhaka人体艺术网, Bangladesh, on Aug. 20, 2023. (Xinhua)

DHAKA, Aug. 22 (Xinhua) -- Authorities in Bangladesh's capital Dhaka conducted mosquito eradication drives in many parts of the city as part of marking World Mosquito Day while the country is grappling with a deadly dengue outbreak.

The South Asian country on Sunday registered 10 more deaths from dengue in a 24-hour count, taking the toll from the disease this year to 476, the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) reported.

A worker sprays anti-mosquito fog in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Aug. 20, 2023. (Xinhua)

A worker sprays anti-mosquito fog in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Aug. 20, 2023. (Xinhua)

Workers spray anti-mosquito fog in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Aug. 20, 2023. (Xinhua)

A worker sprays anti-mosquito fog in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Aug. 20, 2023. (Xinhua)


A worker sprays anti-mosquito fog in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on Aug. 20, 2023. (Xinhua) ■

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